Monday, March 23, 2009

ATASI / Linum usitaissimum – Medicinal Plants Internal uses Digestive system :

ATASI/ Linum usitaissimum - Medicinal Plants

Internal uses

Digestive system : Fried atasi seeds are astringent and reduce intestinal motility. Oil is a purgative. Flowers are cardio tonic.


Respiratory system : The decoction of the seeds of atasi is useful in cough, pleuritis, pneumonia and whooping cough in children. It works as an expectorant.

Urinary system Hot infusion is useful in cystitis

Dosha Vataghna. pittavardhak, kaphavardhak.

Dhatu Rakta (asthma, cough etc diseases of the lungs), shukra (seeds - avirilizing)

Organs Eyes - oil not useful for eyes, intestines.


Indian Medicinal Plants ; Ayurveda

Ayurvedic treatments and Ayurveda Principles

ATASI / Linum usitaissimum – Medicinal

ATASI/ Linum usitaissimum – Medicinal Plants

Sanskrit names: Atasi, Pichchita, Devi, Medagandha, Madothata, Uma, Hshuma. Hemavati, Rudraneela, Masruna, Suvalkala.

Botanical Description: This is a herb attaining height of 1 to 1.25 meter.


Leaves —long, narrow.

Flowers — blue.

Fruits — circular in shape with shallow seeds. Depending on the colour of seeds

it is subdivided into 4 types, (1) white (2) yellow (3) red and (4) black.

Habitat In India — Bengal, Bihar and Uttar Ptadesh, Russia, Britain, Holland.

Chemical composition Seeds have 37 to 44% oil. White seeds have more oil. Fresh oil is more viscous but in fresh air it gets solidified.


Indian Medicinal Plants ; Ayurveda

Ayurvedic treatments and Ayurveda Principles

Saturday, March 21, 2009

ATASI / Linum usitaissimum - Medicinal Plants Family Linaceae Latin name : Linum

ATASI / Linum usitaissimum- Medicinal Plants

Family Linaceae

Latin name : Linum Gk. - linon flax (for weaving, oil for painting); usitaitissimum = common customary.

English name: Flax

Scientific classification: Flax plants make up the family Linaceae. The species grown extensively for its fiber and seed is classified as Linum usitatissimum.


Indian Medicinal Plants ; Ayurveda

Ayurvedic treatments and Ayurveda Principles


ASHWAKARNA Diptocarpus turbinatus/ D.alatus


Diptocarpus turbinatus/ D.alatus -[CV]

Terminalia paniculata—South India [CV]

Medicinal Plants

Family Dipterocarpiaceae: Di = 2, ptero =wind. having two wings to the fruit (carpus = fruit).
Latin name: Dipterocaepus as given above. alatus = having wings.
Sanskrit names : Jarandrum, Ashwakarna, Deerghaparna, Kaushik, Tarkshya. Deerghavriksha.



Guna : laghu, snigdha

Rasa: Katu, tikta

Virya: usna

Vipaka : Katu

Karma: pittaghna, kaphaghna.


Indian Medicinal Plants ; Ayurveda

Ayurvedic treatments and Ayurveda Principles

Friday, March 20, 2009

Cissampelos parieta / PATHA – Medicinal

Cissampelos parieta / PATHA - Medicinal Plants External uses Being wound healer. antidote and Kushthaghna, paste of leaves and root is used in purities, skin disorders and snake poison. Juice or powdered roots are used as a nasya.

Internal uses

Digestive system : Being an appetizer, digestive, laxative, astringent and anthelniintic, it is useful in anorexia. indigestion,abdominal pain, diarrhoea and dysentery.

Circulatory system : It is a blood purifier and has anti-inflammatory properly, so it is used in blood disorders, heart disorders and inflammation.
Respiratory system Being an expectorant, is is used in cough and dyspnoea.

Reproductive system Since it purifies breast milk it is used in various disorders ot breast milk secretion.

Urinary system : diuretic, hence useful in dysuria and haematuria.

Skin : Kushthaghna, Useful in skin disorders.

Temperature : Being febrifuge and refrigerant, it is used in jwara. fever related diarrhoea and burning disorders.

Satmikaran : Antidote and tonic - bitter tonic.
Excretion : This drug is excreted through urine.


Indian Medicinal Plants ; Ayurveda

Ayurvedic treatments and Ayurveda Principles


Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Cissampelos parieta / PATHA – Medicinal Plants Distribution & Habitat All over India chemical constituents

Cissampelos parieta / PATHA – Medicinal Plants Distribution & Habitat


All over India

chemical constituents

C. pariera- Hayatin (dl-becberine), hayatinin, menismine, cissamine, pareirine, cycleanine,bebeerine, hayatidin, (+) quercitol etc.

C. peltata- Fangchinoline, cycleapeltine, cycleadrine,cycleacurine, cycleanorine, cycleahomine chloride, chondocurine, magnoflorine,isotetradrine, perpamine, cycleamine, burmannaline etc.





Guna.-Laghu, Tiksna


Visaghna, Grãhi, Balya



Indian Medicinal Plants ; Ayurveda

Ayurvedic treatments and Ayurveda Principles

Cissampelos parieta / PATHA – Medicinal

Cissampelos parieta / PATHA - Medicinal PlantsVarieties & adulterants - (CV - controversy, AD - adulterants)


1. Cyclea peltata - [AD]

2. C. burmani - [AD]

3. Stemphania hernandifolia - [AD]

4. Rivea hypocrateriformins - [AD]

5. R. ornata. - [AD]

6. Raja patha - Cyclea peltata

7. laghu patha - Cissampelos pariera



Indian Medicinal Plants ; Ayurveda

Ayurvedic treatments and Ayurveda Principles

Cissampelos parieta / PATHA – Medicinal Plants


It is one of the best brain tonic used in Ayurveda along with other drugs. In the Vedic literature Pãthã is described as ‘Pãtã’


Varieties & adulterants - (CV – controversy, AD – adulterants)

1. Cyclea peltata - [AD]

2. C. burmani - [AD]

3. Stemphania hernandifolia - [AD]

4. Rivea hypocrateriformins - [AD]

5. R. ornata. - [AD]

6. Raja patha - Cyclea peltata

7. laghu patha - Cissampelos pariera


Indian Medicinal Plants ; Ayurveda

Ayurvedic treatments and Ayurveda Principles

Cissampelos parieta / PATHA – Medicinal Plants Botanical Name— Cissampelos parieta

Cissampelos parieta / PATHA – Medicinal Plants

Botanical Name— Cissampelos parieta Linn. (North India)

Cyclea peltata (south India )



Names in different language

Hindi- Padhi, Padha; Telugu- Chiruboddi;
Kannada. Padavali; Tamil-Appatta; Malayalam. Kattuvalli; Gujarati- Venivel; Bengali-Akanadi; Marathj- Padavela

Synonyms— Ambasthã, Pãpacelika, Präcinã, Varatiktã, Aviddha karni, Piluphalã, Kucelikã, Ekãsthilã.

Classification according to Caraka, Susruta & Vagbhata

Caraka -Sandhãniya, Jvarahara, Stanyaödhana

Susruta - Mustãdi, Aragvadhadi, Pippalyadi, Ambasthadi, Brhatyadi, Patolädi

Vägbhata - Mustadi, Aragvadhadi, Ambasthdi, Patolädi, Vatsakãdi,



Indian Medicinal Plants ; Ayurveda

Ayurvedic treatments and Ayurveda Principles

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Mesua ferrea / nagakesara - Medicinal Plants- TImportant Yogas or Formations

Mesua ferrea / nagakesara - Medicinal Plants- Important Yogas or Formations

Distribution & Habitat

Along western ghats of Konkan and Malabar area, Tamil nadu.


Chemical constituents

(i) Mesua ferrea- Mesuol , Mesuaxanthofle B- and euxanthofle 4- a1kylcoumnu0l MammeiSin ,Mamiflegin & mesuol from seed oil (Phytochem. 1971,10,1131). mesuaferrofle glycoside- cyclohaxodione- mesuaferrol, sitosterol. Octadecatriefloic and hexadecanolic acids are present in seed oil

(ii) Ochrocarpus longifolius- Mammca surgia,Kosterml. 4- alkylated coumarins- Surangin A and B. Squalene, Cycloartenol, campesterol, stigmasterol and bsitosterol. Vitexjn and mesojnositol

Important Yogas or Formations

Kanakasava,catujataka,eladichurna,kesaradi kasayam.


Rasa Kasäya, Tikta

Guna Rüksa, Tiksna, Laghu

Virya - Usna/Anusna

Vipaka - Katu

Karma - Kapha- Pittahara Pramãthi, Grãhi, Paean,

Visahara, otha hara, Kandughna, Ku!haghana

Indications-. Raktaras Raktatisãra, Rakta Pradara, Kustha, Visarpa, Jvara, Chardi, Vãta rakta, sopha, Vãta roga, siro roga, Trsnã, Visa roga,


Mesua ferrea / nagakesara - Medicinal Plants - Classification according to Caraka, Susrutha & Vagbhata

Classification according to Caraka, Susrutha & Vagbhata

Susruta Samhita : Elãdi, Vacãdi, Anjanãdi, Priyangvadi ganas

Caraka Samhita

Astanga Sangraha : EIädi, Vacädi, Anjanadi, Priyangvadi ganas

Asanga Hdaya : Elãdi, Vacãdi, Añjanãdi, Priyangvadi ganas



Clitoria ternatea / APARAJITA - Medicinal Plants -Therapeutic Uses

Therapeutic Uses-


(1) Dañta süla- Root of Aparãjita along with Marica is kept in the mouth (Vai. Ma.).

(2) Sotha- Paste of Girikarnikã leaves is used internally/ orally (V.S.)

(3) Manasaroga- Root of white flowered Aparãjitã is pounded with rice-water and used as Nasya by mixing with ghee (R. M.).

Indications- Kustha, Unmãda, Vrana, süla,
Part Used- Root/root bark, seeds

Dosage- Root powder I-3g, seed powder 1-2 g.



Clitoria ternatea / APARAJITA - Medicinal Plants - Morphology



It is a perennial climber. Leaves- pinnate 5-9 foliolate.

Flowers- showy, blue or white, petals unequal, style bearded below the stigma.

Fruits- pods, linear, compressed.

Seeds- 6-10, black (Flowers in rainy season and fruits in winter).

Distribution & Habitat

Almost throughout India, wild or cultivated. Western - north India (Marwad), Egypt, Syria. Mesopotamia, Iraq. Persia, Arabia, Afghanistan etc. Dates and dhamasa grow in sandy regions.

Mesua ferrea / nagakesara - Medicinal Plants- Distribution & Habitat

Mesua ferrea / nagakesara - Medicinal Plants- Distribution & Habitat

Distribution & Habitat

Along western ghats of Konkan and Malabar area, Tamil nadu.


Chemical constituents

(i) Mesua ferrea— Mesuol , Mesuaxanthofle B- and euxanthofle 4- a1kylcoumnu0l MammeiSin ,Mamiflegin & mesuol from seed oil (Phytochem. 1971,10,1131). mesuaferrofle glycoside- cyclohaxodione- mesuaferrol, sitosterol. Octadecatriefloic and hexadecanolic acids are present in seed oil

(ii) Ochrocarpus longifolius— Mammca surgia,Kosterml. 4- alkylated coumarins- Surangin A and B. Squalene, Cycloartenol, campesterol, stigmasterol and bsitosterol. Vitexjn and mesojnositol

Important Yogas or Formations

Kanakasava,catujataka,eladichurna,kesaradi kasayam.


Rasa Kasäya, Tikta

Guna Rüksa, Tiksna, Laghu

Virya - Usna/Anusna

Vipaka - Katu

Karma - Kapha- Pittahara Pramãthi, Grãhi, Paean,

Visahara, otha hara, Kandughna, Ku!haghana

Indications-. Raktaras Raktatisãra, Rakta Pradara, Kustha, Visarpa, Jvara, Chardi, Vãta rakta, sopha, Vãta roga, siro roga, Trsnã, Visa roga,


Mesua ferrea / nagakesara - Medicinal Plants - Classification according to Caraka, Susrutha & Vagbhata

Classification according to Caraka, Susrutha & Vagbhata

Susruta Samhita : Elãdi, Vacãdi, Anjanãdi, Priyangvadi ganas

Caraka Samhita

Astanga Sangraha : EIädi, Vacädi, Anjanadi, Priyangvadi ganas

Asanga Hdaya : Elãdi, Vacãdi, Añjanãdi, Priyangvadi ganas



Clitoria ternatea / APARAJITA - Medicinal Plants -Therapeutic Uses

Therapeutic Uses-


(1) Dañta süla- Root of Aparãjita along with Marica is kept in the mouth (Vai. Ma.).

(2) Sotha- Paste of Girikarnikã leaves is used internally/ orally (V.S.)

(3) Manasaroga- Root of white flowered Aparãjitã is pounded with rice-water and used as Nasya by mixing with ghee (R. M.).

Indications- Kustha, Unmãda, Vrana, süla,
Part Used- Root/root bark, seeds

Dosage- Root powder I-3g, seed powder 1-2 g.



Clitoria ternatea / APARAJITA - Medicinal Plants - Morphology



It is a perennial climber. Leaves- pinnate 5-9 foliolate.

Flowers- showy, blue or white, petals unequal, style bearded below the stigma.

Fruits- pods, linear, compressed.

Seeds- 6-10, black (Flowers in rainy season and fruits in winter).

Distribution & Habitat

Almost throughout India, wild or cultivated. Western - north India (Marwad), Egypt, Syria. Mesopotamia, Iraq. Persia, Arabia, Afghanistan etc. Dates and dhamasa grow in sandy regions.

Mesua ferrea / nagakesara - Medicinal Plants - Morphology

Mesua ferrea / nagakesara - Medicinal Plants - Classification according to Caraka, Susrutha & Vagbhata

Classification according to Caraka, Susrutha & Vagbhata

Susruta Samhita : Elãdi, Vacãdi, Anjanãdi, Priyangvadi ganas

Caraka Samhita

Astanga Sangraha : EIädi, Vacädi, Anjanadi, Priyangvadi ganas

Asanga Hdaya : Elãdi, Vacãdi, Añjanãdi, Priyangvadi ganas



Clitoria ternatea / APARAJITA - Medicinal Plants -Therapeutic Uses

Therapeutic Uses-


(1) Dañta süla- Root of Aparãjita along with Marica is kept in the mouth (Vai. Ma.).

(2) Sotha- Paste of Girikarnikã leaves is used internally/ orally (V.S.)

(3) Manasaroga- Root of white flowered Aparãjitã is pounded with rice-water and used as Nasya by mixing with ghee (R. M.).

Indications- Kustha, Unmãda, Vrana, süla,
Part Used- Root/root bark, seeds

Dosage- Root powder I-3g, seed powder 1-2 g.



Clitoria ternatea / APARAJITA - Medicinal Plants - Morphology



It is a perennial climber. Leaves- pinnate 5-9 foliolate.

Flowers- showy, blue or white, petals unequal, style bearded below the stigma.

Fruits- pods, linear, compressed.

Seeds- 6-10, black (Flowers in rainy season and fruits in winter).

Distribution & Habitat

Almost throughout India, wild or cultivated. Western - north India (Marwad), Egypt, Syria. Mesopotamia, Iraq. Persia, Arabia, Afghanistan etc. Dates and dhamasa grow in sandy regions.

Mesua ferrea / nagakesara - Medicinal Plants - Classification according to Caraka, Susrutha & Vagbhata

Mesua ferrea / nagakesara - Medicinal Plants - Classification according to Caraka, Susrutha & Vagbhata

Classification according to Caraka, Susrutha & Vagbhata

Susruta Samhita : Elãdi, Vacãdi, Anjanãdi, Priyangvadi ganas

Caraka Samhita

Astanga Sangraha : EIädi, Vacädi, Anjanadi, Priyangvadi ganas

Asanga Hdaya : Elãdi, Vacãdi, Añjanãdi, Priyangvadi ganas



Clitoria ternatea / APARAJITA - Medicinal Plants -Therapeutic Uses

Therapeutic Uses-


(1) Dañta süla- Root of Aparãjita along with Marica is kept in the mouth (Vai. Ma.).

(2) Sotha- Paste of Girikarnikã leaves is used internally/ orally (V.S.)

(3) Manasaroga- Root of white flowered Aparãjitã is pounded with rice-water and used as Nasya by mixing with ghee (R. M.).

Indications- Kustha, Unmãda, Vrana, süla,
Part Used- Root/root bark, seeds

Dosage- Root powder I-3g, seed powder 1-2 g.



Clitoria ternatea / APARAJITA - Medicinal Plants - Morphology



It is a perennial climber. Leaves- pinnate 5-9 foliolate.

Flowers- showy, blue or white, petals unequal, style bearded below the stigma.

Fruits- pods, linear, compressed.

Seeds- 6-10, black (Flowers in rainy season and fruits in winter).

Distribution & Habitat

Almost throughout India, wild or cultivated. Western - north India (Marwad), Egypt, Syria. Mesopotamia, Iraq. Persia, Arabia, Afghanistan etc. Dates and dhamasa grow in sandy regions.

Clitoria ternatea / APARAJITA - Medicinal Plants -Therapeutic Uses

Clitoria ternatea / APARAJITA - Medicinal Plants -Therapeutic Uses

Therapeutic Uses—


(1) Dañta süla- Root of Aparãjita along with Marica is kept in the mouth (Vai. Ma.).

(2) Sotha- Paste of Girikarnikã leaves is used internally/ orally (V.S.)

(3) Manasaroga- Root of white flowered Aparãjitã is pounded with rice-water and used as Nasya by mixing with ghee (R. M.).

Indications— Kustha, Unmãda, Vrana, süla,
Part Used— Root/root bark, seeds

Dosage— Root powder I-3g, seed powder 1-2 g.



Clitoria ternatea / APARAJITA - Medicinal Plants - Morphology



It is a perennial climber. Leaves- pinnate 5-9 foliolate.

Flowers- showy, blue or white, petals unequal, style bearded below the stigma.

Fruits- pods, linear, compressed.

Seeds- 6-10, black (Flowers in rainy season and fruits in winter).

Distribution & Habitat

Almost throughout India, wild or cultivated. Western - north India (Marwad), Egypt, Syria. Mesopotamia, Iraq. Persia, Arabia, Afghanistan etc. Dates and dhamasa grow in sandy regions.

Clitoria ternatea / APARAJITA - Medicinal Plants - Morphology

Clitoria ternatea / APARAJITA - Medicinal Plants - Morphology



It is a perennial climber. Leaves- pinnate 5-9 foliolate.

Flowers- showy, blue or white, petals unequal, style bearded below the stigma.

Fruits- pods, linear, compressed.

Seeds- 6-10, black (Flowers in rainy season and fruits in winter).

Distribution & Habitat

Almost throughout India, wild or cultivated. Western - north India (Marwad), Egypt, Syria. Mesopotamia, Iraq. Persia, Arabia, Afghanistan etc. Dates and dhamasa grow in sandy regions.

Clitoria ternatea / APARAJITA - Medicinal Plants - Internal uses

Clitoria ternatea / APARAJITA - Medicinal Plants - Internal uses

Internal uses


Nervous system : It has a tranquillizing effect on the brain hence it is used in symptoms like syncope, vertigo and brain weakness.

Circulatory system : Being haemostatic and blood purifier, it is useful in haemorrhagic disorders and vatarakta. Hot infusion of dhamasa is given to prevent small pox.

Respiratory system : It is used in common cold, cough, asthma as it acts as an expectorant and reduces the irritation of respiratory organs. Besides this, whole plant isused for smoking. Decoction is used for gargling in throat manifestations

Mansavaha srotas : Dhamasa is applied over neck stiffness.

Urinarysystem : It increases urination. Decoction is used in dysuria.

Reproductive system : Being spermatogenic, it is given in semen debility

Skin : It can be used in various skin disorders by.


Clitoria ternatea / APARAJITA - Medicinal Plants - External uses


External uses

It alleviates swelling and pain. It has haemostatic action hence it is ued in piles specially bleeding piles. Piles are cleaned with the decoction and the paste of whole plant is applied over it. Leaf juice is used as nasal drops in headache. Oil boiled with dhamasa is used for massage in rheumatoi4 arthritis..

Decoction is used for gargling in stomatitis and for cleaning wounds. It prevents pus formation.

Internal uses

Nervous system : It has a tranquillizing effect on the brain hence it is used in symptoms like syncope, vertigo and brain weakness.

Digestive system : It is an antiemetic. antidypsetic. mild-laxative and cholagogue Therefore it is used in emesis.dyspepsia, constipation jaundice and piles. Kapha and pitta work together in the lower part of the stomach.It is used in healing ulcers of pylorus duodenum etc.


Clitoria ternatea / APARAJITA - Medicinal Plants - brain activity

Nervous system : It has a tranquillizing effect on the brain hence it is used in symptoms like syncope, vertigo and brain weakness.

Mansavaha srotas : Dhamasa is applied over neck stiffness.



Aconitum heterophyllum - Medicinal Plant


(i) A. heterophyllum-

Roots biennial, paired, tuberous; whitish or grey. Stem erect, simple or branched, from 15-20 cm high. glabrous below, finely crispo-pubescent in the upper part.

Leaves heteromorphous, glabrous: lowest on long petioles (13cm); blade orbicular- cordate or ovate-cordate in outline with a usually narrow sinus (1-1.5 cm deep); usually 5- lobed to the middle, amplexicaul.

Inflorescence slender raceme or a lax, leafy panicle, crispo-pubescent; Sepals bluish or violet (rarely whitish); navicular obliquely erect, shortly or obscurely beaked, 18-20 mm high, 8-9 mm wide. Carpels 5, elliptic-oblong. Follicles contagious, linear-oblong, straight, 16-18 mm long.

Seeds pyramidal, 3-4 mm long, blackish brown.

Distribution- commonly found in sub-alpine and alpine zones Himalayas from Indus to Kumaon at 2000-5000 m (6000-16000 ft.).


Clitoria ternatea / APARAJITA - Medicinal Plants - External uses

Clitoria ternatea / APARAJITA - Medicinal Plants - External uses


External uses

It alleviates swelling and pain. It has haemostatic action hence it is ued in piles specially bleeding piles. Piles are cleaned with the decoction and the paste of whole plant is applied over it. Leaf juice is used as nasal drops in headache. Oil boiled with dhamasa is used for massage in rheumatoi4 arthritis..

Decoction is used for gargling in stomatitis and for cleaning wounds. It prevents pus formation.

Internal uses

Nervous system : It has a tranquillizing effect on the brain hence it is used in symptoms like syncope, vertigo and brain weakness.

Digestive system : It is an antiemetic. antidypsetic. mild-laxative and cholagogue Therefore it is used in emesis.dyspepsia, constipation jaundice and piles. Kapha and pitta work together in the lower part of the stomach.It is used in healing ulcers of pylorus duodenum etc.


Clitoria ternatea / APARAJITA - Medicinal Plants - brain activity

Nervous system : It has a tranquillizing effect on the brain hence it is used in symptoms like syncope, vertigo and brain weakness.

Mansavaha srotas : Dhamasa is applied over neck stiffness.



Aconitum heterophyllum - Medicinal Plant


(i) A. heterophyllum-

Roots biennial, paired, tuberous; whitish or grey. Stem erect, simple or branched, from 15-20 cm high. glabrous below, finely crispo-pubescent in the upper part.

Leaves heteromorphous, glabrous: lowest on long petioles (13cm); blade orbicular- cordate or ovate-cordate in outline with a usually narrow sinus (1-1.5 cm deep); usually 5- lobed to the middle, amplexicaul.

Inflorescence slender raceme or a lax, leafy panicle, crispo-pubescent; Sepals bluish or violet (rarely whitish); navicular obliquely erect, shortly or obscurely beaked, 18-20 mm high, 8-9 mm wide. Carpels 5, elliptic-oblong. Follicles contagious, linear-oblong, straight, 16-18 mm long.

Seeds pyramidal, 3-4 mm long, blackish brown.

Distribution- commonly found in sub-alpine and alpine zones Himalayas from Indus to Kumaon at 2000-5000 m (6000-16000 ft.).


Clitoria ternatea / APARAJITA - Medicinal Plants - brain activity

Clitoria ternatea / APARAJITA - Medicinal Plants - brain activity

Nervous system : It has a tranquillizing effect on the brain hence it is used in symptoms like syncope, vertigo and brain weakness.

Mansavaha srotas : Dhamasa is applied over neck stiffness.



Aconitum heterophyllum - Medicinal Plant


(i) A. heterophyllum—

Roots biennial, paired, tuberous; whitish or grey. Stem erect, simple or branched, from 15-20 cm high. glabrous below, finely crispo-pubescent in the upper part.

Leaves heteromorphous, glabrous: lowest on long petioles (13cm); blade orbicular- cordate or ovate-cordate in outline with a usually narrow sinus (1-1.5 cm deep); usually 5- lobed to the middle, amplexicaul.

Inflorescence slender raceme or a lax, leafy panicle, crispo-pubescent; Sepals bluish or violet (rarely whitish); navicular obliquely erect, shortly or obscurely beaked, 18-20 mm high, 8-9 mm wide. Carpels 5, elliptic-oblong. Follicles contagious, linear-oblong, straight, 16-18 mm long.

Seeds pyramidal, 3-4 mm long, blackish brown.

Distribution— commonly found in sub-alpine and alpine zones Himalayas from Indus to Kumaon at 2000-5000 m (6000-16000 ft.).


Aconitum heterophyllum Medicinal Plant

Aconitum heterophyllum - Medicinal Plant


(i) A. heterophyllum—

Roots biennial, paired, tuberous; whitish or grey. Stem erect, simple or branched, from 15-20 cm high. glabrous below, finely crispo-pubescent in the upper part.

Leaves heteromorphous, glabrous: lowest on long petioles (13cm); blade orbicular- cordate or ovate-cordate in outline with a usually narrow sinus (1-1.5 cm deep); usually 5- lobed to the middle, amplexicaul.

Inflorescence slender raceme or a lax, leafy panicle, crispo-pubescent; Sepals bluish or violet (rarely whitish); navicular obliquely erect, shortly or obscurely beaked, 18-20 mm high, 8-9 mm wide. Carpels 5, elliptic-oblong. Follicles contagious, linear-oblong, straight, 16-18 mm long.

Seeds pyramidal, 3-4 mm long, blackish brown.

Distribution— commonly found in sub-alpine and alpine zones Himalayas from Indus to Kumaon at 2000-5000 m (6000-16000 ft.).


Aconitum heterophyllum - medicinal Plants Action

Aconitum heterophyllum - medicinal Plants Action

Digestive system : Seed and root are used in ascites. Seeds are laxative.

Urinary system : The seeds are diuretic, the root decoction reduces burning of urinary tract. It increases volume of urine,

Reproductive system : Root is used in sperrnatorrhoea. The decoction of roots is also used in burning of vagina.

Circulatory system : The juice of leaves along with juice of zingier reduce perspiration.

Toxic effects—

Over dosage (More than 5-6g) produces symptoms like dryness of mouth, tremors etc.

Pretreatment of A. palmatum root in cow’s milk and urine reduced the cardio-toxicity (Singh L.B. et al., 1985).


Dosha : Tridoshaghna.
Dhatu : Majja (brain tonic), rakta. shukra. meda:
Mala : Mutra (diuretic). purisha (laxative). sweda.

Part Used—

The tuberous root is medicinally used both alone and in combination. Yogaratnakara mentioned that Haritaki may be used as the substitute for Ativisã.


Mesua ferrea / nagakesara - Medicinal Plants- Theraputic uses

Theraputic uses


(1) Rakta Aras— Naga kesara cürna (2-3gm) shall be administered orally along with butter and sugar (C.S.Ci.14/210)

(2) Hikkã— Nagakesara cürna (2-4gm) is given orally with honey and sugar along with (S.S.Ut.50/24)

(3) Rakta Pradara— Nagakesara cürna is to orally administered while consuming plenty or butter-milk daily

(4) Sveta Pradara— Naga kesara is soaked in the buttermilk and administered orally for 3 days (V. S. & Y. R.)

(5) Rakta Atisãra— Nãga kesara cUrna with sugar (V. S.)5.

(6) Pumsavana— The lady who wants to have a female child should consume Nagakesara along with ghee (5gm dose daily) during the period of ovulation (Rtu kãla)- (R. M.)

(7) GarbhaStapana Powders of Naga kesara and Püga (beetle nut) are mixed together and given orally (Va.Se.)

