Monday, March 2, 2009

Dashinayana.( southern solastice )

The three rtus commencing with aiã (vaa, arat and hemanta ) from the Daksinavana ( southern solastice) and visarga kala-the period in which the sun releases the strength of the people; bc cause the moop is more powerful and the sun loses his strength, the earth b*omes cooled of the heat of sunlight 1w (the effect of) clouds, rain and cold wind; the unctous tastes—amla (sour), lavana ( salt ) and madhqra ( sweet )-are powerful ( respectively) during this period. (5-6)
Notes :.—.Anila (sour) is powerful during varsa ( rainy season ), lavaça (salt) during arat (autumn season ) and madhura (sweet) during hemanta (winter season).

In §itakãla (winter and dewy seasons) of the people will be maximum, during and ghartna (rdny and hot seasons

Hemañta charya—(regimen during winter) :-

In hemanta, the people are strong, the anala (fire in the alimentary tract vis a vis digestive activity) becomes powerful because it gets obstructed (from spreading out) by the cold (in the atmosphere). It begins to digest the tissues (of the body) supported (helped) by vayu (vãta in the body); so in this bemanta (winter), use of ( substances of) sweet, sour and salt tastes should be made.

As the nights ate longer, persons feel hungry in the (early) morning itself, so after atteuditg tc oblutions, they should resort to the regimen as enumerated in abhyaiga (oil-bath over the head and body ) procedure with medicated oil with váta alleviating property; mürdha-taila (bathing the head with more of oil), mild massaging of the body, wrestling with the skilled ( wrestlers ) to half of his strength and judicious trampling of the body (by epcrts in that art).

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